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1. WTB half of a 60d GTC - in Timecode Bazaar [original thread]
I have an expired account and want to reactivate it. I have enough ISK to buy a PLEX, but not a 60 day GTC. Is there any way that I can do this? What if I pay you half ISK and give you a PLEX? If you use a Windows OS then DO THIS!! http://ww...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2009.08.19 08:08:00
2. How to Stop Empire Macro'rs and Farmers - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
I agree, macro miners are a serious problem. From time to time, I do a considerable amount of mining myself. There is nothing more disappointing than going to a system with an insanely huge amount of belts only to find that almost all of them are...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2009.06.24 18:40:00
3. Buying FOURTEEN 60 day GTC's for 632 million! - in Timecode Bazaar [original thread]
Edited by: Privacy Policy on 19/12/2008 13:55:17 RIGHT THIS SECOND in Jita... There are 28+ PLEX card BID ORDERS for 316 mil each! That's 632 million EACH for your 60 day GTC! One person is even offering 323 million! I was selling 3x 60 ...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.12.19 13:46:00
4. Selling THREE 60-day GTC - in Timecode Bazaar [original thread]
I just checked, the Jita price for 30 day PLEX cards is about 334 million. A 60 day GTC should cost double that, which is the price I will sell mine, 668 mil . Please post the name of the character.
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.12.19 12:39:00
5. Timecode Bazaar Rules and Resources Thread - in Timecode Bazaar [original thread]
I still have a question as per my previous post ... What I know how to do is this: * I know how to buy PLEX pilots license cards in game for isk either in the market or through contracts. * I know how to trade my isk for game time via th...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.11.17 12:51:00
6. New Game Time Code Rules - in Timecode Bazaar [original thread]
Originally by: Sprak Originally by: Orbius Prime it will mostlikely be possible ! GTC's are always been a chose to activate/reactive accounts... why would it be differend..? Umm...because they are traded in game? I don't beli...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.11.17 12:05:00
7. test server - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Privacy Policy on 10/11/2008 23:06:04 Originally by: Deathvoucher 2. how about for like a week on the test server, everyone has every skills at lvl 5, and everyone just gets on and messes around in whatever they want to us...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.11.10 23:01:00
8. Quantum Rise? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Privacy Policy on 10/11/2008 22:46:08 The server died... as you probably know.. I got back on now to switch to my long skill for the extended DT... and I have to do an errand. So i guess i will see you after the DT upgrade... So l...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.11.10 22:42:00
9. Network Issues - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Is it page 75 yet? If you use a Windows OS then DO THIS!!
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.10.28 23:43:00
10. Network Issues - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I'm not sure that this is related or not.. When using the test server, I have noticed that the game client for the test server suffers from EXTREME LAG. Normally, I run two of the regular game clients with the premium graphics enabled. The cache...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.10.28 23:00:00
11. [VOTE] All FOR The Nano-Nerf - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.10.28 17:56:00
12. [Clarification] Not having a Skill Queue DOES NOT promote playing more - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
I agree 100%!!!!! A skill queue will not effect my game playing time at all! I play all the time and I STILL find it ANNOYING to have to check skill training times, etc. We need a LARGE skill queue!!! EVE should have a system that is simila...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.10.28 17:44:00
13. Timecode Bazaar Rules and Resources Thread - in Timecode Bazaar [original thread]
A suggestion to help everyone get their time codes faster. Step 1. I buy my time codes from the CCP website. Step 2. I twiddle my thumbs until it arrives in the mail. Step 3. I get online and enter the code. I do not see ANY reason that CCP...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.10.27 11:44:00
14. [Issue] POS: Flogging the Dead Horse Be Recommended for Implementation - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
Implement ASAP!!! I went on the test server a while back just to learn how to set up a POS. What a NIGHTMARE!!! A POS should look similar to a station, not like a bunch of floating space debris!!
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.10.15 11:37:00
15. Ghost training gone : GIVE US SKILL QUEUE, NOW !!! - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
Edited by: Privacy Policy on 15/10/2008 11:09:50 . EVEmon works great, but it can't change my skill training. I pay for my two accounts a year at a time. If I am unable to access the game for a time, e.g. my computer explodes, HOW DO I CHAN...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.10.15 10:59:00
16. Switching between characters in the same account - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Like a lot of people, I have more that one character in my account. In order to switch between them, I have no choice except to log off and log back in as the alternate character. Then to switch back, I have to log off and log back in again. It w...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.10.15 10:47:00
17. THE BUTTON TO SWITCH BETWEEN CHARACTERS - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Like a lot of people, I have more that one character in my account. In order to switch between them, I have no choice except to log off and log back in as the alternate character. Then to switch back, I have to log off and log back in again. It ...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.05.30 05:31:00
18. TRADE BUG is back again - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
My bug report to CCP... I can reproduce this every time, without fail! It is a real bug!!! It is very easy to see the results if you have two accounts... Open a trade in a statio...
- by Privacy Policy - at 2008.05.12 12:56:00
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